Long sleeved shirts for exercise are essential for any athelete. Shirts with long sleeves help keep your core body temperature during the cold. Some brands that provide atheletes these types of shirts are Nike, Adidas, Puma, and etc. All of these brands are great for searching for clothing that is sport-related or having to do with exercise. Depending on the weather, the shirts should be tight fitting or loose fitting. For instance, if the weather is extremely cold one should wear a tight fitting long sleeved shirt because it keeps the body heat. If it is cold but not extremely cold then one should wear a loose fitting long sleeved shirt, so that the flow of air can pass through and cool down the body. Here are some pictures:
My idea is to promote good ways or possibilities of dressing up for certain occasions for males. I will be posting up pictures of shoes, sunglasses, and anything clothing related for males to help those who cannot decide what would be best to wear.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 17: Sports Tee's
T-shirts come in a variety of styles and material. When buying t-shirts, one must take into consideration of the possibility of it getting wet and the damage it could cause. T-shirts can be used casually or for exercise as well. Some t-shirt brands are more formal than others depending on the simplicity of the shirt. Depending on the colors as well can affect how casual one appears. Here are some t-shirts:
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day 16: Board shorts
Board shorts are incredibly useful when doing sports or anything that involves exercise. Shorts provide leg movement and are mainly used when the weather is exceedingly warm or hot. Board shorts are a personal taste because they come in a variety of styles and whether they are short shorts or shorts that exceed the knee length. Here are a variety of shorts used for exercise and sports:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 15: Sports Wear
Now that you're more familiar with elegant clothing, it is time to learn about sports wear. Sports wear is primarily used when people are planning to do exercise, sweat, workout, etc. Sports wear should provide a purpose for what you are doing. For instance, shorts provide good mobility and allows your legs to move freely rather than a pair of jeans that restrict your leg movements. When buying sports wear always take into consideration the type of material it is made out of because you want to buy something that will last for a long time and that it keeps its properties. Some common brands of quality sports wear are Nike, Adidas, Puma, Underarmor, DC, Element, Circa, and more.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 14: Jackets
Jackets are or are not sophisticated depending on the style and texture of it. Jackets have a variety of factors that can determine it from being formal or not. For instance, a regular cotton jacket is not appropriate clothing for a semi-formal festivity. A leather jacket on the other hand can be if the texture and style is not too striking. Leather jackets can be used if they are not too sporty because then it can be worn for more elegant social get-togethers. A good brand of jackets that are sport, but still exquisite is Armani. Here are some pictures of jackets that can be used formally or casually:
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 13: Cufflinks
Cufflinks are primarily used when one is attending an elegant party or festival. Cufflinks are used to provide sophisticated displays of clothing. Cufflinks come in many different styles, colors, and textures. They are very decorous and stylish. People all have different tastes in cufflinks and prefer a specific shape, I have no preferance. I believe all cufflinks have their own unique style and they are a nice piece of clothing to have when one is interested in attending an sophisticated get-together. Here are some pictures of cufflinks:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 12: Suits & Tuxedos
Suits and tuxedos are used to for elegant parties or simply for work. A suit is typically used more for work and some formal events. Tuxedos are mainly used for elegant events and parties. In my personal opinion, I prefer a suit over a tuxedos because of the style mainly. Some people may prefer the tuxedo over a suit during a party. Suits and tuxedos come in many different textures and styles which can be more appealing to certain people such as businessmen, teenagers, or average adults. Here are some pictures of suits and tuxedos:

Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 11: Hats
Hats are a nice touch for many outfits. They can be used for a semi-formal look or just casual. Hats are not used for elegant or formal appearances. They come in many different styles such as felt tip hats, regular baseball caps, or flat-top hats. Here are some examples:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 10: Belts
Todays topic is about belts. Belts are used for a few reasons such as to keep your jeans or pants in place and to provide a type of style or elegance to your look. Belts come in many different colors, sizes, and have different emblems. Emblems are the part of the belt where the leather or rope intertwines which fastens the belt together. There are many different styles such as large emblems, small emblems, somtimes there isn't even an emblem and it is just a buckle. There are many different things to take into consideration when you are buying a belt. Here are some belts that are nice to wear:
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 9: Watches
Watches are a nice accessory to have for special occasions when one wants to dress more formal than usual. Watches come in many different designs, face sizes, band designs, and more. There are many different brands as well such as Rolex, Cartier, and Michael Kors which are all good selections for buying watches. They may not be essential for a certain oufit, but it can be a nice accesory to have when you want to look more elegant than usual. Here are some pictures of watches that are commonly worn:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 8: Sunglasses
Sunglasses are not a necessity, but can provide the extra improvement in any physical appearance. Sunglasses come in a variety of forms, but some are more commonly used than others. For instance, aviator sunglasses are one of the most commonly used styles of sunglasses used in this industry. There are special features that some sunglasses provide such as protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays or even color enhancements. There are many factors that cause a person to purchase a specific brand or look of sunglasses. Here are some photos of sunglasses that are more commonly used by people today:
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 7: Ties
Ties are an essential piece of clothing to enhance the look of dress shirts. Ties are usually used to contrast the color of the shirt one is wearing to provide a variety of colors to look at so that it is not bland or dull. Ties come in a variety of sizes such as skinny ties or thick ties. They also have many different styles, colors, and textures for them. Here are a variety of ties used frequently:
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 6: A Collage About Me
This is a collage that I created about my interests. I enjoy many things such as variety of music, sports, food, and more. This collage is just a little amount of the many likes and interests that I have in life. I enjoy going to many places and traveling with friends. I admire many people in different aspects of my life such as education and sports. Here is the collage about my background, interests, qualities, and aspirations:
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